Saturday, July 2, 2016

Postage and duty stamps can be used interchangeably from 1 January 1880

Notice indicating that postage and duty stamps can be used interchangeably from 1 January 1880

Week (Brisbane), Saturday 3 January 1880, page 8
OFFICIAL NOTIFICATIONS, From Saturday's Government Gazette
Postage and Duty Stamps.—It is announced that, on and after the 1st January the issue of separate stamps for duty and postal purposes will cease. The present postage stamps from one penny to one shilling, and the present duty, stamps from two shillings upwards, will in future be the only stamps issued; and each denomination will be available to the full extent of its nominal value for all purposes for which separate stamps have hitherto been required

Brisbane Courier, Monday 5 January 1880, page 2

It is notified for general information in Saturday's Government Gazette that on and after the 1st day of January, 1800, telegrams marked "urgent" will be received at any telegraph station within the colony, and transmitted as "urgent messages," in the order of their priority. Such messages will take precedence of all ordinary messages, and will be charged at double rates.

The public are also informed that from and after January 1, 1880, the issue of separate stamps for duty and postal purposes will cease. The present postage stamps from one penny to one shilling, and the present duty stamps from two shillings upwards, will in future be the only stamps issued, and each denomination will be available to the full extent of its nominal value for all purposes for which separate stamps have hitherto been required.